Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Week 1: Eggs

Welcome to Idling in the Fast Lane!

Over the next year, I will be participating in's Official 52 Weeks of Cooking Challenge! Each week, a new ingredient, ethnic cuisine, dish type, or cooking method will be selected by the moderators as the theme of the week. Each challenger can interpret the theme as they wish, and once done with their dish submit a photo to the subreddit.

The first week's theme is EGGS.

I was going to do a souffle when I first read the theme, because I have never tried to make a souffle and the talking food heads on the the television make it sound pretty awesome. But I realized that I have never tried to make a souffle because I don't have a souffle dish and I didn't feel like getting one. So I went to a recipe that I had tried before, Baked Eggs in Spinach and Mushrooms.

Mise en Place

Hot out of the oven

Dish it over some toasted french baguette and enjoy a nice dinner!

This recipe is adapted from the Smitten Kitchen blog.

As you can see from the the picture, I used a lot more onion and garlic than her recipe called for. I also used half and half instead of whole cream, with nothing lost other than the calories. I cooked mine in a cast iron skillet, even though instructed not to. There weren't any tomatoes in the recipe so I wasn't sure why they would say not to use a cast iron skillet. (I use mine for EVERYTHING, even making tomato pasta sauces.)

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